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Гдз по funny stories 5класс
Упражнение 4 1 have two sisters. We live in a big house. Оригинал: Parks and Gardens of London Londoners love their parks and are proud of them. There is a sofa in the corner of the room. There is a park behind the hospital.
Stiries got a letter from my friend yesterday. The bookcases are full of books. Он будет в нашем уроке. There are some plates, some forks and some knives on the table. Любопытные люди приехали туда, чтобы видеть .
Этим летом я был в стране. The piano is to the right of the door.
In the evening people have supper. There are some beautiful trees funnny the park. We also I earned about English history and traditions. My aunt is a teacher. I'll give them to my classmates as soon гдз по funny stories 5класс possible. This is my table. Do you гд Spanish? You can also sec Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament from Westminster Bridge. Королеве Шарлотте дали первую зебру, которая прибудет в Великобританию. Вы помещаете масло и мясо между этими двумя частями.
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